New Kent Environmental Bank is a 976 acre property of which 677 acres of the property represents the mitigation bank. The bank fronts State Route S.R. 608 and is just southeast of the intersection between S.R. 608 and S.R. 609 in New Kent County, Virginia. The Bank was designed to provide compensatory mitigation credits for both wetland and stream resources within the York River Watershed. Historically the property consisted of a matrix of agricultural, hardwood forest, pine forest, pond, and wetlands. Prior to wetland and stream restoration or creation the bank was found to have 213 acres of jurisdictional wetlands and about 26,036 of jurisdictional waters.
Service Area:
The Bank is established to provide mitigation to compensate for impacts to State waters and Waters of the United States, including wetlands, or other regulated environmental credits within the approved service area. This Service Area shall include Hydrologic Unit Codes 02080107,02080105, and 02050106, excluding Louisa and Orange Counties.